The Feminist Studies curriculum is composed of its own core interdisciplinary courses as well as a variety of courses selected from disciplines within the humanities and social sciences.


The Feminist Studies curriculum is composed of its own core interdisciplinary courses as well as a variety of courses selected from disciplines within the humanities and social sciences.

Requirements for the Feminist Studies Major (B.A.)

All courses to be applied to the major must be completed on a letter-grade basis. This includes both courses offered in Feminist Studies and those offered by other departments and applied to the major.

New Majors

Some info 

Information for Continuing Majors

Download the 2024–2025 Feminist Studies Undergraduate Major Sheet

2024–2025 Undergraduate Majors

Students who have declared the Feminist Studies or Women's Studies major during prior academic school years may follow the requirements listed on their respective Major Catalog Year sheets.


Check the General Catalog for the prerequisites to all listed courses.

General Catalog

P/NP Grading Option

Not allowed for any major course, (Prep or UD major), including courses applied to the major from other departments.


In the major requirements permissible only by petition to the program chair and dean. You must submit a syllabus from class you want to use as substitution.

Residence Requirements

At least 20 UD units in major while in residence at UCSB.

G.P.A. Requirements

At least 2.0 overall UC average in all upper-division major courses and all courses (Prep and UD) for the major, including courses in excess of minimum requirements.

Double Majors

With the approval of each department chairperson, up to a total of 8 units may be applied simultaneously to both UD majors.

Change of Major

You must contact the department which you want to join and ask for petition.

Change Major

Graffiti of a couple faces

Undergraduate Minor

Requirements for the Feminist Studies Minor

All courses to be applied to the minor must be completed on a letter-grade basis. This includes both courses offered in Feminist Studies and those offered by other departments and applied to the minor.

Download the 2024–2025 Feminist Studies Undergraduate Minor Sheet

2024–2025 Undergraduate Minors

Graffiti of an abstract eye and blue art on colorful, geometric background

Undergraduate Minor — LGBTQ Studies

The Department of Feminist Studies is proud to offer the newly created minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Studies. The Minor provides a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of the lives, experiences, identities, and representations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals; their families and communities; their cultures and subcultures; their histories, institutions, languages and literatures; their economics and politics; and their complex relations to the culture and experience of a heterosexual majority.

The minor emphasizes the intersection of sexuality and gender with race, class, ethnicity, and nation.  A student seeking the minor in LGBTQ studies will take core courses offered in the Department of Feminist Studies as well as a variety of courses elected from other disciplines within the humanities and social sciences.

You can declare the minor at any time; you do not have to complete the preparation for the minor before declaring. You are encouraged to declare as soon as you decide to pursue the minor, because some classes are blocked on GOLD but you may take them with approval from the advisor. 

Let the advisor know when you declare candidacy or she cannot credit you with completion of the minor. Upon successful completion of the LGBTQ Minor, credit will appear on your diploma as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Minor."

All meetings with the advisor are confidential, and we strive to maintain the safest space possible. If you would like to set up an alternative space for a meeting or advising session, please feel free to discuss this with the advisor. Professor Caleb Luna is the LGBTQ Minor Director,

Requirements for the Feminist Studies LGBTQ Minor

All courses to be applied to the minor must be completed on a letter-grade basis. This includes both courses offered in Feminist Studies and those offered by other departments and applied to the minor.

Download the 2024–2025 Feminist Studies Undergraduate LGBTQ Minor Sheet

2024–2025 LGBTQ Minors

Undergraduate Minors — Course Substitutions

Substitutions and waivers are subject to approval by the chair of the department.

Students must consult the General Catalog for prerequisites to required courses.

The following conditions must also be met for official recognition of the minor:

  • The sponsoring department reports completion of the minor prior to the posting of the degree.
  • At least 18 upper-division quarter units are completed for the minor. (Waivers cannot reduce the requirement below this number.)
  • At least 12 of the upper-division units for the minor are completed while in residence at UCSB.
  • The UC grade-point average in ALL applicable upper-division courses, including those in excess of minimum requirements, is 2.0 or higher.
  • No more than 5 upper-division units overlap between this minor and the upper-division portion of the major(s) or other minor(s). If overlap is greater with the major(s), completion of the minor will not be formally recognized; if overlap with other minor(s) is greater, only the first minor reported will be recognized.
  • No reference will be made to the minor on any progress checks or degree clearance forms.