Graduate Director in Feminist Studies
The Graduate Director in Feminist Studies oversees the graduate program in the department in conjunction with the staff Graduate Advisor. Students meet quarterly with the director to review course schedules, teaching responsibilities, funding and degree progress. Annually students perform a self-assessment and must meet with the Graduate Director. Students should meet with the Graduate Director about problems they may be encountering in the program. The Director has signatory power over admissions, waivers of requirements, leaves of absence, doctoral committees, and various forms from the Graduate Division.

Student Affairs Coordinator
The Student Affairs Coordinator acts as the staff Graduate Advisor, providing administrative support for the graduate program. She assists the Graduate Director in monitoring students' progress toward their degrees, prepares financial paperwork for central and block grant allocations, and provides information about departmental and Graduate Division policies and procedures. Additionally, as the Student Affairs Coordinator, she handles course scheduling, textbooks, copy codes, TA hiring paperwork, teaching evaluations, the e-mail list serve, and is the point of contact for many campus units (Disabled Students Program, Student Life, College of Letters & Science, Registrar, etc.). Students can meet with the staff Graduate Advisor about problems they may be encountering as either students or instructors in the university.