Student-Initiated Groups

Coming Soon

Feminist Studies Lending Library

All are welcome to use the lending library, located inside the Feminist Studies Department office. If you would like to donate books, you may drop them off at the department front desk.

Graffiti of a city brightly colored

Research Resources

UCSB Library
Research in Women's Studies

The Artemis Guide
Links to Women's Studies Programs throughout the U.S.

Association of College and Research Libraries
Women's Studies Section Women and Gender Studies Web Sites

Feminism and Women's Studies

Feminist Theory Website
Information on 30 Fields, 70 Countries, 40 Feminists

Gender and Sexuality Resources
This page publishes texts which address gender studies and queer studies, with a particular focus upon discussions of sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices.

Gender Inn
The Women's and Gender Studies Database on the Internet

Gender-Related Electronic Forums
Listed by the University of Maryland Baltimore County

Institute for Women and Technology
A nonprofit institute, founded in 1997, that works with research universities and women's colleges to bridge the gender gap in information technology and to create high-tech products that women find useful.

International Gender Studies Resources
Featuring research and teaching materials meant to facilitate the integration of Women's and Gender Studies into International and Area Studies philosophy and curricula.

National Women's History Project
"History looks different when the contributions of women are included."

National Women's Studies Association

Queer Theory provides you with the best online resources integrated
with the best visual and textual resources in Queer Culture, Queer Theory, Queer Studies, Gender Studies and related fields.

The Scholar and Feminist Online
An online scholarly journal by the Barnard Center for Research on Women.

Voice of the Shuttle
Gender Studies - offers links to sites about women's studies and feminist theory, queer studies, men's movements, and cybergender and techgender.

The Women's Studies Database
Contains conference announcements, calls for papers, employment opportunities, government documents, a picture gallery, and more.

Yahoo Women's Studies Links

UCSB Library
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies

Addiction Resource
This site raises awareness on the dangers of drinking alcohol as a pregnant woman.

The AFL-CIO site for working women.
This site has an archive that shows what the AFL-CIO does for working women.

Black American Feminisms
An extensive bibliography of Black American Feminist thought from across the disciplines.

Ecofeminist Resources
Provides audio, visual and textual resources combined with the best online
resources in ecofeminist philosophy and its related fields.

Economic Policy Institute
This site has an gender pay gap calculator.

Feminism Quotes from Wisdom Quotes
Quotations to inspire and challenge.
Provides information on news and bulletins, resources and links, women's health info, articles and speeches, women-owned businesses, and activism.

The Feminist Majority Foundation
A vast resource for everything related to feminism including global issues, reproductive rights, related news, and events.

Gifts of Speech
Dedicated to collecting speeches by influential contemporary women.

Jewish Women's Archive
Where history lives and grows.

National Gay and Lesbian Archives

National Organization for Women

Office on Women's Health
Office on Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Philosophy Research Base
Site index for feminism/women in philosophy.

Said It
Feminist news, culture, and politics.

Third Wave Foundation
Strives to combat inequalities that we face as a result of our age, gender, race, sexual orientation, economic status or level of education through empowering young women.

Transgender Support Groups Around the World
Helps to find transgender support groups near your location.

Vaping Daily
The risks for smoking for women and women's health.

The premier search directory for women online.

Do you know of a research link we have missed? Please email the Department!

Wall with colorful blotches of paint and falling apart