Teaching Assistantships are considered a valuable part of students' educational experience, developing a variety of academic and teaching skills in addition to providing financial support. Some students are supported by University fellowships that include guarantees of TAship, but most TAships are administered by the department.
A full (50%) TAship is generally 3 sections per quarter. Holding a Teaching Assistantship provides the student health coverage and a significant fee remission. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 8 units to hold a TAship. TAs must enroll in and receive credit for FEMST 501. These units count toward the 8 required each quarter.

Teaching Assistants
Interested applicants need to fill out an application and email it to Professor Jane Ward, janew@ucsb.edu and our Student Affairs Coordinator, Caludia Castaneda, claudiacastaneda@ucsb.edu.
Please note that priority is given to Doctoral Emphasis students.
Graduate Teaching Handbook
This is a working draft of our teaching manual designed to provide guidance to graduate students who undertake teaching responsibilities for UCSB’s Department of Feminist Studies. Serving as a Teaching Assistant is a wonderful opportunity for your professional development. This manual provides an overview of the rules and procedures that will facilitate your success as a teaching assistant, teaching associate, and future university instructor. The manual offers a framework for successfully fulfilling one’s role as an instructional, professional, and institutional actor in the Department of Feminist Studies at UCSB. It provides suggestions for classroom activities and individual conferences with students. It also explains the legal and institutional framework in which instruction occurs. All graduate student instructors employed by the department–Teaching Assistants, Teaching Associates, or Readers–should follow the policies and procedures delineated in this handbook.