Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize 2023:
Yuri Fraccaroli, "The Archive and the cafezinho: Challenging (disembodied) histories by embodied archival experiences at Acervo Bajubá, an LGBT+ community archive in Brazil"
Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize 2022:
Alex Mireles, “Paisa Aesthetics: Streetwear Fashion and Latinx Aesthetic Labor”
Distinguished Service Award 2022:
Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award 2022:
Emma Schuster and Kimberly Soriano
Honorable mention, last year's awardee: AP Pierce
Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize 2021:
Jordan Tudisco, “A Woman is Someone with a Female Body and Any Personality…Not a ‘Female Personality’ and Any Body”: Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism & Transphobic Hate Speech in Progressive Academia
Distinguished Service Award 2021:
Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award 2021:
Alex Mireles
AP Pierce
Feminist Studies Remote Teaching Assistance Award 2021:
Anita Stahl
Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize 2020:
Megan Spencer, "Oceanic Opacities: Black Femme Aesthetics & Queer Flow"
Distinguished Service Award 2020:
Distinguished Teaching Award 2020:
Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize 2019:
Cierra Sorin, Sociology and Feminist Studies doctoral emphasis student
Distinguished Service 2019:
Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize 2018:
Anita Stahl, Feminist Studies
Distinguished Service 2018:
NWSA Graduate Scholarship, 2016:
Sandibel Borges, Feminist Studies
Gloria E. Anzaldua Book Prize, 2016:
Sylvanna M. Falcon, Sociology
Esther Ngan-ling Chow and Maryjoyce Green Dissertation Scholarship, 2016:
Karen Hanna, Feminist Studies
Kenneth Sherrill Best Dissertation Award, 2016:
Carly Thomsen (Ph.D. 2014), Feminist Studies
Women, Gender, and Social Justice: Intersectional and Global Research Award, 2015-16
This new UCSB graduate student award is established by Janet Afary, Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Chair and Professor of Religious Studies and Feminist Studies and Eileen Boris, Hull Chair and Professor of Feminist Studies.
The purpose of this research award is to support graduate students who need travel funding to conduct ethnographic or archival research on topics related to women, gender, and social justice with an intersectional and/or global framing.

Left to Right: Leigh Dodson (Feminist Studies), Distinguished Service Award, Heather Berg (Feminist Studies), Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize, Carly Thomsen (Feminist Studies), Graduate Students Association Excellence in Teaching Award, Melissa Barthelemy (History) Feminist Studies Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award
Women, Gender, and Social Justice: Intersectional and Global Research Award:
University Award of Distinction:
Carly Thomsen, Feminist Studies
Distinguished Service Awards:
Laura Tanner, Feminist Studies
Lauren Clark, Feminist Studies
Leigh Dodson, Feminist Studies
Carly Thomsen, Feminist Studies
Joan Budesa , Sociology
Denise Gill-Gürtan, Music
Adrianna Santos, Chicana/o Studies
Alison Crossley, Sociology
Distinguished Graduate Teaching Awards:
Kristin Conover, Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology
Chloe Diamond-Lenow, Feminist Studies
Leigh Dodson, Feminist Studies
Meredith Heller, Theater & Dance
Melissa Barthelemy, History
Ryan Bowles, Film & Media Studies
Michelle Baca, Chicana/o Studies
Tracy Royce, Sociology
Cristina Serna, Chicana/o Studies
Janiene Langford, History
Lachelle Hannikel, French
Previous Winners of the Charlotte Stough Memorial Prize:
Carly Thomsen
Feminist Studies
Stough Prize, 2014:
"The Post-Raciality and Post-Spatiality of Calls for LGBTQ and Disability Visibility."
Amanda Phillips
Stough Prize, 2013:
"Techonology: Making a Face."
Heather Berg
Feminist Studies
Stough Prize, 2012:
"(Re)Locating Labor in Feminist Discourses of Sex Work."
Amanda Denes
Stough Prize, 2011:
"Biology as Consent: Problematizing the Scientific Approach to Seducing Women's Bodies."
Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences, University of Connecticut
Justin Bengry
Co-Winner, Stough Prize, 2010:
"Queer Profits: The Popular Press, Homosexual Scandal, and the Origins of Legal Reform in Britain."
2010-2012: Elizabeth and Cecil Kent Post Doctoral Fellowship in History, University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada
Denise Gill
Co-Winner, Stough Prize, 2010:
"Melancholy, Turkish Classical Music, and the Making of Men with Muhabbet."
2010-11: Visiting Instructor, Ethnomusicology, College of William and Mary
Bianca Murillo
Stough Prize, 2009:
"Ideal Homes and the Gender Politics of Consumerism in Postcolonial Ghana, 1960-70." Subsequently published in Gender and History 21.3 (November 2009): 560-575.
Currently Assistant Professor of History, Willamette University
Katrina Kimport
Stough Prize, 2008:
"Citing and Disrupting: An Analysis of the Discursive Production of Gender and Sexuality in Lesbian Marriage Photographs."
Currently Qualitative Sociologist, Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH), University of California, San Francisco
Karl E. Bryant
Stough Prize, 2007:
"In Defense of Gay Children?: 'Progay' Homophobia and the Production of Homonormativity." Subsequently published in Sexualities 11.4 (2008): 455-475. Paper was also co-winner of the 2007 Graduate Student Paper Award, Sexuality Studies Division of the American Sociological Association.
Currently Assistant Professor, Sociology and Women's Studies, State University of New York, New Paltz
Leandra Zarnow
Stough Prize, 2006:
"Braving Jim Crow to Save Willie McGee: Bella Abzug and the Fight for Civil Rights, 1948-1951." Subsequently published as "Braving Jim Crow to Save Willie McGee: Bella Abzug, the Legal Left, and Civil Rights Innovation, 1948-1951" in Law and Social Inquiry 33.4 (2008): 1003-1041. Paper was also co-winner of the 2007 Graduate Student Paper Competition of the journal Law and Social Inquiry, and winner of the Judith Ridge Prize for Best Article from the Western Association of Women's Historians.
2010: Post-doctoral fellowship, Center for the United States and the Cold War, Tamiment Library, New York University
Susan Keller
Stough Prize, 2005:
"Statuesque Beauty: The Porcelain Complexion and the Gilded Age."
Currently Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Literature and Languages, East Tennessee State University
Molly Talcott
Stough Prize, 2004:
"Gendered Webs of Development and Resistance." Subsequently published as "Gendered Webs of Development and Resistance: Women, Children, and Flowers in Bogota." Signs 29.2 (2004): 465-489.
Currently Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State University, Los Angeles
Carolyn Herbst Lewis
Honorable Mention, 2004:
"Waking Sleeping Beauty: The Premarital Pelvic Exam and National Security in the United States, 1950-1969." Subsequently published as "Waking Sleeping Beauty: The Premarital Pelvic Exam and Heterosexuality during the Cold War." Journal of Women's History 17.4 (2005): 86-110. Paper was also winner of the 2007 Judith Lee Ridge Prize for the best article in the field of history published by a member of the Western Association of Women Historians
Currently Assistant Professor of American and Women's History, Louisiana State University
Beth Currans
Religious Studies
Honorable Mention, 2004:
"Instituting Heteronormative Belief in the Law."
Currently Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Eastern Michigan University
Suzanne Crawford (O'Brien)
Religious Studies
Stough Prize, 2003:
"A Generation Lost: Defining Health and Wellness for Women of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation."
Currently Associate Professor, Religion and Culture, Chair of Global Studies Program, Pacific Lutheran University
Sharon P. Doetsch-Kidder
Stough Prize, 2002:
"Methods of Rule: Capitalism, Imperialism, and Patriarchy in Victorian Social Novels."
Currently Adjunct Professor of Languages, Mathematics and Sciences, Tidewater Community College, Portsmouth, VA
Laura S. Holliday
Stough Prize, 1999:
"Household Hints and Home Cooking: Technologies of the U.S. Kitchen, 1945-68." Subsequently published as "Kitchen Technologies: Promises and Alibis, 1944-1966." Camera Obscura 47.16 (2001): 79-131.
Currently Owner, Doc Holliday Wordsmithing
Dana Collins
Stough Prize Co-Winner, 1997:
"'No Experts! Guaranteed!!': Feminist Common Senses and the Production of a Lesbian Sex Zine, Brat Attack." Subsequently published as "'No Experts: Guaranteed!': Do-It-Yourself Sex Radicalism and the Production of the Lesbian Sex Zine 'Brat Attack.'" Signs 25.1 (1999): 65-89.
Currently Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State University Fullerton
Sarah Parsons (Watson)
Art History
Stough Prize Co-Winner, 1997:
"Neurotic Masculinity: Garry Winogrand's Women are Beautiful Project and 1970's Sexual Politics of Vision."
Currently Associate Professor of Canadian Art History, Visual Arts, York University