The Student Affairs Coordinator is available to meet with students who are interested in pursuing the Feminist Studies major/minor or LGBTQ Studies minor in person or via Zoom though most questions can be answered via a few email exchanges. Some walk-in appointments are available, and appointments are encouraged. Advising sessions run from 15 to 30 minutes.
After a student’s initial visit, the student will be added to the departmental e-mail list serve—it is the source for all departmental communication including Feminist Studies sponsored events, courses, information on registration, commencement, research and internship opportunities, and paid work. If a student is dropped from the list serve inadvertently or due to U-mail quota overages, resubscribe by emailing the advisor.
Semi-regular advising sessions are a good idea to track a student’s progress in the major or minor. In addition to major and minor petitions, students will need to meet with the advisor for signatures and/or assistance on the following forms: proposed schedule for graduation, EAP applications, course substitution, proposal for independent study, honors program application, Feminist Studies/LGBTQ Studies Research Community application, late/retro add, late/retro drop, and exception to independent study regulations.
Contact Claudia Castaneda, Student Affairs Coordinator,

Winter 2025 Peer Advising Hours
Winter 2025 Peer Advising Hours
Monday: 9-10:45am and 2-4pm
Tuesday: 10am-12pm
Wednesday: 9-10:45am and 2-5pm
Thursday: 10am-12pm and 2-5pm
Friday: N/A
Peer Advisors are also available in-person at certain times of the week (subject to change each quarter). Appointments are highly encouraged but not required for peer advisors.
For more information contact
College of Letters & Science Home Page
Academic Advising at the College of Letters & Science
GPA Calculator
A handy Grade-Point Average (GPA) Calculator provided by the College of Letters and Science.
"My UCSB" Website
Links to various online resources and student services.
Education Abroad Program
Information about UCSB's Education Abroad Program (EAP).
Information about the UC Washington Program
UCSB Admissions Office
If you're considering UC Santa Barbara as a freshman or as a transfer student, this is the place to start.
Comprehensive articulation agreements between community colleges and four-year institutions.
Open Education Database
Explore your distance education options, and search through our comprehensive database of accredited colleges and universities in California with online offerings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Into Classes
Please refer to the list of courses being offered, also available to students on the department listserve or in hard copy at the Feminist Studies office. These are the known courses offered in our department and other departments that apply to the major or minors. Other courses may apply by petition only.
You have two options--(a) Register for ANY courses on campus that are open so that you can maintain full-time student status OR (b) Check the online wait list system, Office of the Registrar, and add yourself to wait lists; if there is no wait list you may contact the advisor in that department or the instructor to find out their policy on crashing and wait lists. If you need assistance getting into a major or minor required course, contact the Undergraduate Advisor for help.
Generally speaking, the instructors and/or TAs of the courses have add codes and only they can administer them at the start of the quarter, and will do so for waitlisted students. Please wait until the course begins, attend it, and then email the professor and/or TA of the course you intend to add. Be sure you are on the waitlist.
If you don't have at least 12.0 units you can't be picky about days and times.
What is the Procedure for Declaring the Major or Minor?
We do not have a pre-major--Areas A, B, and C of the lower division are preparatory courses, but they may be completed at any time. A student should declare the major as soon as they are interested. Joining the major gives students access to courses through GOLD that are restricted for majors only, gives priority to students on waitlists and to do honors courses. Students in the major will receive messages from the listserve about department and campus events and opportunities. Make an appointment with the Undergraduate Advisor to complete the paperwork.
The department encourages all students who are interested in the minor(s) to declare as soon as possible. Adding the minor gives students access to courses through GOLD that are usually restricted for majors only, gives priority to students on waitlists and to do honors courses. Students in the minor will receive messages from the listserve about department and campus events and opportunities. Make an appointment with the Undergraduate Advisor for assistance.