The Department regularly offers the following core courses:

Feminist Studies 250

A one quarter graduate seminar in interdisciplinary feminist theory.  Topics may vary. Offered in various quarters. Past courses have included Queer of Color Critique, Sex Work and Global Sexual Economies, Queer Theory, and Marxism and Feminism.

Feminist Studies 270

A one quarter seminar that considers Feminist Studies as a distinct field. It offers an interdisciplinary exploration of feminist theories of knowledge production and teaching practices. Readings cover past and present critical debates and provide theoretical approaches through which to analyze interdisciplinary epistemological and pedagogical issues. Generally offered in fall.

Feminist Studies 260

A one quarter research seminar that examines feminist methodologies for knowledge construction and interdisciplinary social research. Includes practicum on central feminist methods such as ethnography, interviewing, focus groups and oral histories. Considers usefulness of quantitative tools. Develops research proposals for students' own graduate research projects. Genderally offered every-other winter.

Feminist Studies 280A-B

A one or two-quarter research practicum to provide experience in the research, writing, and critique of scholarly papers based on original research in the interdisciplinary area of feminist studies. Students will either develop a research proposal or work on a M.A. thesis, dissertation proposal, dissertation chapter, or article. Generally offered in spring.