Race and Nations
M.A. Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, 2013
B.A. Gender and Sexuality Studies, New York University 2010
Queer theory, feminist theory, critical race theory, sports studies, labor studies, global studies, cultural studies, media studies
Anita’s dissertation “Reading Between the Baselines: Global Regimes of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Elite Women’s Tennis” is an analysis of how global discourses about race, gender, and sexuality are constituted and circulated through the women’s professional tennis tour. The project incorporates such fields as labor studies, critical race theory, and disability studies, all inflected with a strong feminist lens and an eye to intersectional gender justice.
Academic Publications
“We’re On Burlesque Time: But Everybody’s Gotta Work Tomorrow at Nine” in Berliner Blätter: Geschlecht-Sexualität. 2013. Berlin: Panama Verlag. pp. 155-163.
“Queering the Women’s Tennis Association” in Inquiry: A Journal of Undergraduate Research 2010. New York University. Vol. XIV. pp. 33.
Popular Publications
Anita’s work as a tennis writer and photographer has been published in Tennis View Magazine, BritWatch Sports, Black Tennis Magazine, Women’s Tennis Blog, and African Tennis Now among others.
Independently designed and taught courses
- Sex, Love, and Romance (online course)
- The Meaning of Serena Williams
- Global Feminism and Social Justice