FEMST 250AI: Queer & Trans* Theory During Permanent War

Debanuj DasGupta

Spring 2024: Wednesdays 3-5:50


We live with unending wars and the consolidation of authoritarianism around the world. Queer and Trans* theory has historically been an Americanist project. Given the role of the US state in waging several wars around the world, this seminar raises questions such as what might it mean to think of queer & trans* theory simultaneously with ongoing wars around the world? Simultaneity with imperialism, colonialism, slavery and global capitalism was one of the cornerstone of the works of scholars such as W.E.B. Dubois. The seminar will revisit canonical texts of scholars such as W.E.B. Dubois, US women of color thinkers, along with contemporary queer and trans*of color materialisms that situate the bio-necropolitics of war along with questions of desire, debilities, sexualities, and gender identities.

Select Readings include:
W.E.B. Dubois-Dark Princess
Chandan Reddy-Freedom with Violence
Dean Spade: Mutual Aid
Evren Savci: Queer in Translation
Maya Midakshi: Sextarianism: Sovereignty, Sexuality, and the State in Lebanon
Jasbir Puar: The Right to Maim
Petrus Liu: The Specter of Materialism
Roderick Ferguson: Aberrations in Black
Rahul Rao: Out of Time: The Queer Politics of Post-Coloniality
Chela Sandoval: Methodology of the Oppressed
Cherrie Moraga & June Jordan: Select Readings