Research Seminar in Feminist Studies

Jennifer Tyburczy

Spring 2024

This is a workshop seminar designed to advance research and writing and to provide experience in critique of scholarly papers based on original research in the interdisciplinary area of feminist studies. We will go through steps in the research process, engage in constructive critique to understand the elements of published work, and aid each other reach individually set goals. Class time will be devoted to group discussion of a single project that you are concentrating on this quarter. Graduate students who have taken FEMST 280A will complete the research project, thesis, proposal, chapter, or article they proposed to write in the spring.


The focus of the seminar will be on the creation, presentation, and supportive critique of a project of an appropriate form and length, with the goal to produce original research in Feminist Studies. For M.A./Ph.D. students, the project will be the development of the M.A. thesis with the usual timeline of work on proposal this quarter, complete the research over the summer, and write the thesis in the fall, though in some cases, a student might offer a draft of the thesis or a section of the thesis by the end of the quarter. Other members of the seminar could work on an M.A., grant proposal, dissertation proposal, qualifying paper, conference presentation, an article manuscript or other appropriate project, such as revision of a previously written seminar paper into a journal article.