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Corwin Pavilion

Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Grace Chang, Cecelia Fire Thunder


The UC Santa Barbara's A.S. Womyn's Commission is very proud to present
this year's first annual Womyn of Color Conference to be held on: 


Saturday, June 1st at the UC Santa Barbara campus. 


"Womyn of Resilience: 

Remembering Our Ancestors. 

Reclaiming the Margins. 

Redefining Progress."


Guest Speakers: Professors, Kum-Kum Bhavnani and Grace Chang

Keynote Speaker: Cecelia Fire Thunder

Student Performances.

Food will be provided.


 This one day long conference will provide a safe space and a voice to discuss the many issues
and obstacles that womyn of color face on our campus, in our communities, and in society.


The Conference will take place at June 1st, 2013 @ Corwin Pavilion

From 8:30 AM and will approximately end at 5 PM.


If you have any questions, please email


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