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South Hall 4631A

Davina Cooper

Her main areas of research sit at the interstices of socio-legal studies, political theory, social diversity and the transformational potential of state and non-state sites. Specifically, Davina has explored these themes in articles, book chapters and books over twenty years, including in: Challenging Diversity: Rethinking Equality and the Value of Difference (2004); Governing out of Order: Space, Law and the Politics of Belonging (1998); Power in Struggle: Feminism, Sexuality and the State (1995); and Sexing the City: Lesbian and Gay Politics within the Activist State (1994). Her latest book is Everyday Utopias: The Conceptual Life of Promising Spaces (Duke 2013)

Davina will give a seminar later this quarter.

Please rsvp to Christina Toy so we know how much coffee and to get!

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