Theater and Dance 1701
UCSB Global Medical Brigades
UCSB Global Medical Brigades is a part of the largest student-led sustainable development organization in the world and has facilitated positive change in rural communities since 2004.
We will be going to Honduras this summer for 7 days, which includes running a 4-day medical clinic. You will have the opportunity to run a clinic, shadow physicians and directly interact with patients. This is a unique opportunity to gain humanitarian healthcare experience and meet new people.
We will be going to Honduras this summer for 7 days, which includes running a 4-day medical clinic. You will have the opportunity to run a clinic, shadow physicians and directly interact with patients. This is a unique opportunity to gain humanitarian healthcare experience and meet new people.
To apply, please attend either information session:
Thursday October 17th in Theater and Dance 1701 at 7pm
Thursday October 24th in Theater and Dance 1701 at 7pm
Thursday October 17th in Theater and Dance 1701 at 7pm
Thursday October 24th in Theater and Dance 1701 at 7pm
You can make a positive, sustainable change in the world as an undergrad. Volunteer with Global Medical Brigades!
If you are unable to attend the information session, please contact melaniesupple.gmb@gmail.com or umarsaeed.gmb@gmail.com
Want to learn more? Check out our website: www.globalbrigades.org
Thank you,
Umar Saeed
UCSB Global Medical Brigades
Vice President of Recruitment and Communication"