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Third Woman Press Fundraising

Good afternoon,

We are writing to ask you to please help support Third Woman Press by "saving the date" for the evening of Saturday, October 26th. There will be a local fundraising event consisting of spoken word followed by a dance party at Del Pueblo to help Third Woman Press reach their goal of raising 20,000 by December 25--which will make possible both the revitalization of the press and publication of a queer women of color anthology that follows in tradition of This Bridge Called My Back. Please help keep feminist of color publishing alive by making plans to join us for this event.

An invitation and a call for spoken word participants will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.

About Third Woman Press:

Initiated in 1979 by renowned Chicana feminist scholar Norma Alarcón, TWP published the work of writers such as Sandra Cisneros, Cherríe Moraga, and Ana Castillo during its 25 year run. During this time it also published the third edition of This Bridge Called My Back. In honor of Dr. Alarcón's publishing legacy, the Third Woman Press collective is working toward restarting the press. In order to maintain autonomy, Third Woman Press is looking to raise these funds from our communities rather than rely on governmental institutions.


Magda García, Rosie Bermudez, Gloria Toriche, Yvette Aragon, Roberto Macias

Third Woman Press Fundraising Co-leaders (Santa Barbara)

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