Anne-christine d'Adesky
Author Anne-christine d'Adesky will be speaking about her new book on sexual violence
in Haiti on Tuesday, October 15, 2:00 PM, at the Multi Purpose Room at UCSB's Student
Resource Center.
Beyond Shock: Charting the Landscape of Sexual Violence in Post-quake Haiti is the first
book published in the new series, Onward!, by the UCSB Center for Black Studies Research.
Beyond Shock provides a comprehensive examination of the broad and sectorial field progress
made by frontline providers of services to sexual violence survivors since Haiti's historic January 2010
earthquake. The book looks at the shifting landscape of actors, both established and new, Haitian
and foreign, who have raced to respond to the crisis. It highlights groups, individuals, programs, and
approaches that are making a difference in the field and captures emergent trends in this landscape.
It offers hope for the future while revealing a very difficult situation in the present.
And from the foreword by Edwidge Danticat:
As this painstakingly researched book shows, Haitian women - particularly
poor women - are as vulnerable as they are strong, vulnerable to what one
women's rights activist, Carole Pierre-Paul Jacob of SOFA (The Haitian
Women's Solidarity Organization), calls "the feminization of poverty" as
well as the feminization of natural disasters, disease, and sexual assault.
For more on the author, journalist, filmmaker, and human rights activist
Anne-christine d'Adesky will be speaking in Santa Barbara on Tuesday, October 15, 2 PM,
at the UCSB Student Resource Center, and on Wednesday, October 16, 7 PM, at Granada Books.
Sponsored by the Center for Black Studies Research and the Women's Center. For more information, call 805.893.3914.