Hello Everyone!
Please join us for the second annual Clyde Woods Lecture in Urban Studies
The Center for Black Studies Research and the Office of Equal Opportunity
& Sexual Harassment / Title IX presents:
Priscilla Ocen from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Reproductive Profiling of Women of Color
Dr. Ocen's work examines the relationship between race and gender
identities and punishment. Prior to joining the faculty at Loyola,
Professor Ocen served as the Critical Race Studies Law Fellow at UCLA.
While at UCLA she developed a project that examined conditions of
confinement within women's prisons and the race and gender implications
of the use of practices such as shackling during labor and childbirth.
Co sponsors: Department of Black Studies, MultiCultural Center, Asian
American Studies, Office of EVC for Diversity, Equity and Academic
Policy, Film and Media Studies, and the Center for New Racial Studies.