Shari Sanders
The Graduate Center for Literary Research (GCLR) invites graduate students engaged in literary, interdisciplinary research to participate in our Fall roundtable, November 17, 2013, 4:30-6:30 (Phelps Hall 6320).* Roundtable participants will provide a paper-in-progress for questions and comments; participants that subsequently present the workshopped paper at a conference are eligible to receive GCLR travel grants.
Graduate students (from any discipline) that are interested in presenting their work (on any topic) at the roundtable should submit a 250-word abstract by Tuesday, November 1, 2013 to Shari Sanders (at sanders01 at umail.ucsb.edu). For more information, or to view previously accepted abstracts, please see the GCLR website:http://www.complit.ucsb.edu/gclr/news/announcement/190-100313
*Date/time is flexible, depending on selected presenters’ availability.
Shari Sanders, PhD Candidate
Graduate Assistant, GCLR
Comparative Literature Program
University of California, Santa Barbara