SRB Multipurpose Room
The student activists in Carly Thomsen's Activisms: Theorizing Resistance and Building Skills for Social Justice class (Feminist Studies 190) would like to invite you to Activisms 190: Imagining Otherwise, an exhibition of the activist projects students participated in during Spring 2013.
What: Activist Project Exhibition
Date: Thursday, June 6
Time: 4.30-6pm
Location: Multi-Purpose Room, SRB
Date: Thursday, June 6
Time: 4.30-6pm
Location: Multi-Purpose Room, SRB
Food and beverages will be provided.
Students in this course examined activism, justice, and “the political” through feminist and queer theoretical frameworks in order to develop strategies and methods for imagining and creating alternatives--what we liked to think of as radical imaginings. Throughout the quarter, students worked to imagine and execute a variety of activist projects. We hope you will join us for an exhibition of these projects!
Students exhibiting their projects include:
Annie Alexandrian
Danielle Bermudez
Christy Billings
Kaitlin Gerds
Laura Harwood
Terri Li
Melba Martinez
Shelby Miller
Nicole Nesbit
Vanessa Ramos
McKensey Smart
Shane Stringfellow
RJ Thomsen Friedman
Sanaz Toossi
Sweets Underwood
Diana Vargas
The exhibition is co-sponsored by Queer Commission and the Department of Feminist Studies.
For more information, please contact Shelby Miller at shelbymiller@umail.ucsb.edu