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We are pleased to announce that our organization, in conjunction with Sexual Responsibility Week at UCSB (SRW), will be organizing a tabling event on Thursday, Feb 7 2013, Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
We would like to give the opportunity for different student organizations and departments to come together and take a stand against an epidemic that impacts all communities. Tabling will begin at 10am and last until 3pm, and your department is welcome to come and go at any time.
Additionally, Health and Wellness Programs is partnering with Pacific Pride Foundation to offer free, anonymous 20 minute rapid tests to the UCSB community as a part of the week. Testing will begin at 10am and last until 6:30pm.
Furthermore,  the collaborative work involved in this event is dynamic in fostering and promoting future collaboration with, sustained awareness of, and established connectedness between various communities on this multifaceted issue; potentially setting the precedence for much needed interdisciplinary collaboration between all communities, including HIV/AIDS-affected populations, communities of color, LGBTQ populations, feminist-oriented communities and more.

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