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We decided to plan this conference based on a need we felt at UCSB to expand student-to-student discourse beyond the essentials. Educating each other about the basics is important, but we wondered how we could create space for critical conversations that reach past the need-to-know.
Beyond the Basics is a FREE, one-day, student-organized conference featuring workshops, caucuses, and speakers as well as a free (delicious) lunch on May 26, 2013.

Just like last year, the conference is open to anyone who wishes to attend. However, this year we are extending our outreaching efforts in hopes to get queers and allies from other campuses and areas involved in the conference!

We understand the need for affordability in regards to conferences and appreciate the richness diversity brings. This is not confined to diversity of gender identity, sexual identity, although it is a queer conference. We also recognize and appreciate diversity of identities that aren’t referenced often enough in conversation with queer identity, including (but definitely not limited to) race and ethnicity, ability, age, citizenship, and class. All of these identities (and the ones not mentioned here) are important to creating a holistic view of the complexity of queer identity. Recognizing the multiplicity of identity is essential to understanding and acknowledging the validity of our individual, as well as collective, experiences.
All of this is to say that we would be honored to have you attend this year’s Beyond the Basics conference. Therefore, we have made an effort to provide the conference as a FREE event. There will be no registration fee for Beyond the Basics.
However, we do ask you to please register for the conference below so that we can get you lunch and know more about our delegates for future years of planning! Below is also the link to the workshop application, as well as our Facebook page (we hope you’ll like us!).
The Beyond the Basics planning committee invites you to learn and grow with us through this unique conference experience. Whether you are interested in being a delegate or facilitating a workshop or caucus space, we want to see your beautiful face on May 26th!
Link to Registration:
Link to Workshop Application: 
“Like” our Facebook Page:
 (WATCH THIS SPACE as we update with more program details!)

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