Monte-Angel Richardson
My name is Monte-Angel Richardson, and I am the community outreach coordinator for the Community Affairs Board (CAB) of UCSB.
On April 30, 2014, UC Santa Barbara's Community Affairs Board and Career Services Department will host the annual CARE Expo, a FREE recruiting fair for non-profit and government organizations.
This is the perfect opportunity for students to network with hiring companies in their field of interest. Whether the opportunities are full-time or part-time, volunteer, or internship, students will find valuable work experience with reputable organizations.
The link to the event page on the career services website can be found below
Thank you for taking the time to read this message, and we hope to see you at this year's event.
Monte-Angel Richardson
Community Outreach Coordinator | A.S. Community Affairs Board
University of California Santa Barbara
cabcommunityoutreach@gmail.com | (805) 893-4296