Feminist Futures Presents

“Care Across Generations”

Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Mother Work: Communities of Care


Friday, February 26, 11-12:30 pm


Zoom link can be found here and linked below.

Passcode: 018504


This panel considers the labor of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx care providers as mother workers, looking at community understandings, self-definitions, and alternative visions of care.

Chair: Dana Mastro, Professor of Communication UCSB
Dana Mastro’s research investigates the influence of racial/ethnic stereotypes in the media on perceptions of self and other as well as on racial/ethnic relations in society, with a focus on Latinas/os.
Featuring: Michelle Tellez, Assistant Professor, Mexican American Studies, University of Arizona
Michelle Téllez writes on transnational community formations, Chicana feminism, and gendered migration. A founding member of the Chicana M(other)work collective, the Arizona Son Jarocho Collective, and the Binational Arts Residency project, Dr. Téllez has a long history in grassroots organizing projects and community-based arts and performance. She co-edited The Chicana M(other)work Anthology: Porque Sin Madres No Hay Revolución, (2019). Her book, Autonomy in the Spaces of Neoliberal Neglect: Las Mujeres de Maclovio Rojas, is forthcoming Fall 2021.
Nia Flowers Steinfeld, Graduate Student, UCSB Sociology,  Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellow, UCSB Doctoral Scholars Fellow and Center for Black Studies Research Graduate Fellow. Her research explores how Black mothers in Los Angeles perform motherwork as they navigate their children’s education.
Nancy Morales, Graduate Student, UCSB Feminist Studies and UCSB Engaging Humanities Graduate Fellow. Her research explores how new generations of Indigenous Oaxacan women and youth self-organize to (re)claim their indigeneity in contemporary Oaxacalifornia.
Katherine Maldonado, Graduate Student, UCSB Sociology and a Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellow and American Sociological Association Minority Fellow. Her research focuses on child welfare, mental health, criminalization and resistance in Latinx/Chicanx families. 


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