Full Directory
- Embodied theory
- Feminist Phenomenology
Gender in Modern Middle East
Global Feminism
- (805) 893-7136
- HSSB 3047
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Law and Society: the race/sex politics of police brutality; authoritarian legacies, and security regimes in Latin America and the Middle East, particularly Brazil and Egypt; state violence against racial and sexual minorities in the cities of Latin America and the Middle East.
PhD., Professor, Department of Sociology: of democracy, constitutionalism, and Islam in Iran; social and political theory, concentrating on Marx, Hegel, Marxist humanism, the Frankfurt School, Foucault, the Orientalism debate, and critical criminological theory
Peace and Conflict Studies
Indigenous/Post/Decolonial Studies
Critical Disability Studies
South/Asian Studies
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Black Studies: African American Studies, race and racism, Black feminist theory
- (805) 893-8045
- 3708 South Hall
Political Philosophy; Democratic Theory, especially Identity Formation within Democratic Practices; Gender Studies; Chicana/Latina Feminist Thought; Social Change; Bias Mitigation; Democratization of Science Governance
Race, Ethnicity, Nation; International migration; Urban Sociology; Culture; Ethnography/Qualitative Methodology
- Professor Emeriti
Ph.D., Professor, History of Art and Architecture: 18th and 19th –century European art, particularly British art
Ph.D., Professor, department of Spanish and Portuguese: Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies, Iberian Feminisms, violence against women in Spain and Latin America. Her most recent publication is the co-edited volume (with Roberta Johnson) A New History of Iberian Feminisms (2008, University of Toronto Press).
- (805) 893-3161
- Phelps 4311
Professor, Sociology: women, culture, and development; transnational activism; feminism and race
Ph. D., Professor, Education: Science education, Teacher education and professional development, Educational equity
- (805) 893-4110
- Education 3103
- Professor Emeriti
Ph.D., Professor Emeriti, Political Science: public law, law and society, feminist jurisprudence
Film/Television, Black Feminist Cultural Theory, Cultural Studies
Labor Studies, Gender, Race, Class, Women's History, Social Politics
Ph.D., Professor, English: gender studies and feminist theory, the body, theories of subjectivity, British and European modernism, critical and cultural theory; Theories of mass culture
- (805) 893-7488
- South Hall 2707
the sociology of masculinities; the sociology of gender; the sociology of sexualities; the sociology of families; and gender theory. All of my courses highlight contemporary issues of identity and inequality.
Ph.D., Professor, Linguistics: sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, language, gender, and sexuality, African American English, Mexican and Chicano Spanish; discourse; language and identity; ; language and scientific practice; linguistic diversity of California
- (805) 893-7488
- 3509 South Hall
Ph.D., Professor, English: British Romanticism; feminist, race, and queer theories, social revolutions of the 1790s and 1960s; Early nineteenth-century British theater
- (805) 893-7488
- South Hall 2702
Political Economy of Globalization, Human Trafficking, Immigrant Women
PhD., Professor, Sociology: social inequality (gender, class, race) and quantitative methods; international comparative study of social inequalities, with particular attention to cross-national differences in women's economic, educational, and family roles; ideological and organizational factors that contribute to female underrepresentation in engineering and the physical sciences around the world
Ph.D, Professor, Department of Chicana/o Studies: Chicana/o & Latina/o History, Chicana/o & Latina/o Studies, Race & Juvenile Justice, Latinas in the U.S., Latina/o Youths in Global Perspective, United States-Mexico Border, Spanish Borderlands, Qualitative Research Methods
- (805)893-8880
- HSSB 4260
Sinophone Studies, modern East Asian history, history of science and medicine, gender and sexuality studies, critical race theory, transnational and global history
Ph.D., Professor, History, and Director of Latin American and Iberian Studies: Colonial Latin American history, Atlantic world history, comparative studies of gender, race, ethnicity, and colonialism; globalization
Ph.D., Professor, History: U.S. women's history, history of sexuality; 19th-c. U.S. women's history and the American Revolution; 19th-century health and sex reformers
Transgender Studies, Queer Theory, Transnational Feminism and Sexuality Studies, Queer Migration Studies, South Asia Studies, International Development and Human Rights, Scholar & Activist Methodologies.
Queer of Color Critique, Women of Color Feminisms, South Asian Diasporic and Migration Studies, Asian American Studies, Critical University Studies, Critical Disability Studies, Public Engagement and Humanities, Media Studies
Ph.D., Professor, History: medieval women and gender, medieval towns, medieval poor, relations between western Europe and the east; and the history of the Bible in the medieval and early modern periods
Ph.D., Professor, Sociology: Work and Gender; Feminist Inquiry; Feminist Theory, Research Methods