
Full Directory

  • Graduate Student
  • Embodied theory
  • Feminist Phenomenology
  • Professor
  • Mellichamp Chair in Global Religion and Modernity

Gender in Modern Middle East

Global Feminism

  • Professor

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Law and Society: the race/sex politics of police brutality; authoritarian legacies, and security regimes in Latin America and the Middle East, particularly Brazil and Egypt; state violence against racial and sexual minorities in the cities of Latin America and the Middle East.

  • Professor

PhD., Professor, Department of Sociology: of democracy, constitutionalism, and Islam in Iran; social and political theory, concentrating on Marx, Hegel, Marxist humanism, the Frankfurt School, Foucault, the Orientalism debate, and critical criminological theory

  • Professor
Early Modern Studies, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory, Post-Colonial Studies, Renaissance Literature, Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature, Theories of Gender and Sexualities


  • Graduate Student

Peace and Conflict Studies

Indigenous/Post/Decolonial Studies

Critical Disability Studies

South/Asian Studies

  • Retired Business Officer
  • (805) 893-8246
  • 4631B South Hall
Ingrid Banks photo
  • Associate Professor

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Black Studies: African American Studies, race and racism, Black feminist theory

  • Professor

Political Philosophy; Democratic Theory, especially Identity Formation within Democratic Practices; Gender Studies; Chicana/Latina Feminist Thought; Social Change; Bias Mitigation; Democratization of Science Governance

  • 805-893-5714
  • 4702 South Hall
photo of Jean Beaman
  • Associate Professor

Race, Ethnicity, Nation; International migration; Urban Sociology; Culture; Ethnography/Qualitative Methodology


  • Ph.D. Year 2016

Productive and Reproductive Labors

  • Professor Emeriti

Ph.D., Professor, History of Art and Architecture: 18th and 19th –century European art, particularly British art

  • (805) 893-3138
  • Ellison Hall 2808
  • Professor

Ph.D., Professor, department of Spanish and Portuguese: Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies, Iberian Feminisms, violence against women in Spain and Latin America. Her most recent publication is the co-edited volume (with Roberta Johnson) A New History of Iberian Feminisms (2008, University of Toronto Press).

  • Professor

Professor, Sociology: women, culture, and development; transnational activism; feminism and race

Image of Julie Bianchini
  • Professor

Ph. D., Professor, Education: Science education, Teacher education and professional development, Educational equity

  • Professor Emeriti

Ph.D., Professor Emeriti, Political Science: public law, law and society, feminist jurisprudence

  • (805) 893-3432
  • Ellison 3713
  • Professor

Film/Television, Black Feminist Cultural Theory, Cultural Studies

  • 4708 South Hall
  • Ph.D. Year 2017

Race and Nations

  • Hull Professor

Labor Studies, Gender, Race, Class, Women's History, Social Politics

  • 4703 South Hall
  • Professor

Ph.D., Professor, English: gender studies and feminist theory, the body, theories of subjectivity, British and European modernism, critical and cultural theory; Theories of mass culture

  • Associate Professor

the sociology of masculinities; the sociology of gender; the sociology of sexualities; the sociology of families; and gender theory.  All of my courses highlight contemporary issues of identity and inequality.


  • Professor

Ph.D., Professor, Linguistics: sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, language, gender, and sexuality, African American English, Mexican and Chicano Spanish; discourse; language and identity; ; language and scientific practice; linguistic diversity of California

  • Professor

Ph.D., Professor, English: British Romanticism; feminist, race, and queer theories, social revolutions of the 1790s and 1960s; Early nineteenth-century British theater

  • Student Affairs Coordinator
  • Professor Emeriti

Political Economy of Globalization, Human Trafficking, Immigrant Women

  • 4704 South Hall
  • Professor

PhD., Professor, Sociology: social inequality (gender, class, race) and quantitative methods; international comparative study of social inequalities, with particular attention to cross-national differences in women's economic, educational, and family roles; ideological and organizational factors that contribute to female underrepresentation in engineering and the physical sciences around the world

  • Professor

Ph.D, Professor, Department of Chicana/o Studies: Chicana/o & Latina/o History, Chicana/o & Latina/o Studies, Race & Juvenile Justice, Latinas in the U.S., Latina/o Youths in Global Perspective, United States-Mexico Border, Spanish Borderlands, Qualitative Research Methods

  • Professor

Sinophone Studies, modern East Asian history, history of science and medicine, gender and sexuality studies, critical race theory, transnational and global history

Lauren N. Clark
  • Graduate Student

Productive and Reproductive Labors

  • Professor Emeriti

Ph.D., Professor, History, and Director of Latin American and Iberian Studies: Colonial Latin American history, Atlantic world history, comparative studies of gender, race, ethnicity, and colonialism; globalization

  • (805) 893-2726
  • HSSB 4251
  • Professor Emeriti

Ph.D., Professor, History: U.S. women's history, history of sexuality; 19th-c. U.S. women's history and the American Revolution; 19th-century health and sex reformers

  • (805) 893-2806
  • HSSB 4237
photo of Professor DasGupta
  • Associate Professor

Transgender Studies, Queer Theory, Transnational Feminism and Sexuality Studies, Queer Migration Studies, South Asia Studies, International Development and Human Rights, Scholar & Activist Methodologies. 

  • 4711 South Hall
photo of jigna
  • Professor

Queer of Color Critique, Women of Color Feminisms, South Asian Diasporic and Migration Studies, Asian American Studies, Critical University Studies, Critical Disability Studies, Public Engagement and Humanities, Media Studies

  • 4706 South Hall
  • Ph.D. Year 2018- Assistant Professor
  • SUNY Oneonta

Genders and Sexualities

  • Assistant Professor
Chicana/o and Latina/o Performance Studies, Chicana/o and Latina/o Visual Culture, Chicana/o and Latina/o Cultural Studies, Afro-Latina/o Diaspora Studies, Chicana/Latina Feminisms, Afro-Latina/o Diaspora Studies, Chicana/o and Latina/o Theater History, Chicana/o and Latina/o Ethnomusicology, Dramaturgy, Acting Methodology


  • Ph.D. Year 2017

Productive and Reproductive Labors

  • Lecturer
  • Research Professor Emeriti

Ph.D., Professor, History: medieval women and gender, medieval towns, medieval poor, relations between western Europe and the east; and the history of the Bible in the medieval and early modern periods

  • (805) 893-2543
  • HSSB 4239
  • Professor Emeriti

Ph.D., Professor, Sociology: Work and Gender; Feminist Inquiry; Feminist Theory, Research Methods
