Graduate Student
Genders and Sexualities
Race and Nation
M.A. in Gender & Women’s Studies (Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2023)
B.S. in Gender & Women’s Studies (Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2021)
B.S. in Psychology (Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2021)
Maya (she/her/hers) is a Ph.D. student in Feminist Studies at UCSB. Her previous research
focused on how people who identify on the ace spectrum living in the US are impacted by the
concept of sexual citizenship through an intersectional, transnational feminist, and queer lens.
Expanding on this, Maya is currently interested in the intersections of people who identify as ace
and Korean and how this community navigates their various identities. In her research, she uses
qualitative research as a way to help combat the invisibility, erasure, and epistemic violence
often experienced in the asexuality community. She is also the co-chair of the NWSA Asexuality
Studies Interest Group.
Research interests: Intersectionality, Queer Studies, Asexuality Studies, Queer of Color Critique,
Transnational Feminism, East Asian Studies, Korean Studies, Feminist Pedagogy, Sexual
Citizenship, Absence
Hamidi, Y. N., Drabent, D., Wenzel, M., Jordan, T., Lampinen, J., Thao, M. K. (2023). An anti-
racist transnational feminist note on collaborative online international learning (COIL). Journal
of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education.
Wenzel, M. (2023). Teaching through absence: Using an absence lens as a feminist pedagogical
tool. Feminist Pedagogy 4(1).
Book Reviews:
Wenzel, M. (2024). A review of Queering the Midwest: Forging the LGBTQ community. GLQ:
A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. (under review)
Wenzel, M. (2024). A review of Constellating Home: Trans and Queer Asian American
Rhetorics. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking. (under review)
Wenzel, M. (2022). A review of Women Don’t Owe You Pretty. Feminist Pedagogy 2(4).
Wenzel, M. (2022). What Ace reveals about feminism, ace liberation, and the “gold-star ace.”
Feral Feminisms 10.2, 16-19. https://feralfeminisms.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/03-FF-ISSUE10.2-We...
Popular Press:
Wenzel, M. (2022, February 23). Legislation threatens to erase the LGBTQ community—It’s
time to explain and claim the “A” in LGBTQIA+. Ms. Magazine.