Department Solidarity Statement with UAW Local 4811

The Faculty of Feminist Studies stands in solidarity with our graduate student workers who have overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike in reaction to the unfair labor practices committed by the University of California against those who have participated in non-violent protests on campus in defense of the people of Gaza and for UC disinvestment from weapons manufacturers, military contractors, and companies profiting from Israel’s war on Palestine. We call upon the UC to engage in meaningful negotiations with the union over its unfair practice charges, which include the administration’s unilateral changes to working conditions that impeded teaching, work obligations, safety, and academic freedom; failure to protect peaceful protestors against violent attacks and use of the police to interfere with freedom of speech; and discipling employees for peacefully demanding workplace-related changes. We support amnesty for all academic employees, students, student organizations, faculty and staff who face disciplinary action or arrest due to protest and the right to free speech and political expression on campus. We pledge as a department to not retaliate against strikers or take up work assigned to them, known as “struck work.”