Marxism and Feminism
Winter 2025
Hull Professor Eileen Boris
Tuesdays 3:00-5:50PM
SH 4631
What are the affects of class and where does intimate labor fit into Marxist notions of use and
exchange value? Is commodification and decommodification gendered? How does an
intersectional perspective illuminate such processes as the wage? What is the sex of class and
the class of pleasure? This graduate seminar explores that which economist and feminist
theorist Heidi Hartmann called “the unhappy marriage of Marxism and Feminism” by
considering key texts in the historical construction of the woman question, the traffic in women,
double and triple oppression, the domestic labor debate, the political economy of women’s
liberation, alternative household economy, commodity fetishism, reproductive labor, the
dialectic of sex, and queering class. Including classic Marxist and other radical writings from the
19 th century through WWII, it also turns to more recent works of socialist feminism, materialist
feminism, and queer theory, taking account of intersectionality, settler colonialism, racial
capitalism, and anti-imperialism. It explores how the Marxist tradition considered gender,
sexuality, the home, the family, women, and reproductive labor in relation to race and
October 23, 2024 - 2:51pm