University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Feminist Studies Supplemental Information Instructions: Fill in applicable information and upload electronically along with other supporting documents. Name: __________________________________________ Please indicate which of the three areas of emphasis you wish to pursue: Genders & Sexualities Race & Nation Productive & Reproductive Labors List the faculty within the department with whom you would like to work: List any affiliated faculty outside the department with whom you would like to work (if any): Have you been in communication with any faculty or staff at UCSB? Cumulative Undergraduate GPA: Major GPA (if known): If you feel that your cumulative undergraduate grade point average is not reflective of your academic ability, write a brief statement explaining the reasons and indicate the semester/quarter/year to which you are referring. (i.e. switched from Biology major in F09, etc.) List the other graduate schools to which you are applying and the degree programs if different: