Race and Nations
Ph.D. Feminist Studies, UCSB 2017
M.A. Feminist Studies, UCSB 2011
B.A. Women’s Studies, Spanish Literature, Washington State University 2009
Assistant Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Visiting Scholar at UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), 2014-2015.
By looking at the lived experiences of LGBTQ Latinx migrants in Los Angeles, California and LGBTQ returning migrants in Mexico City, Dr. Sandibel Borges examines how heteronormativity, white supremacy, exploitation, and surveillance are embedded in the immigration system. She further investigates the practices of resistance that LGBTQ Latinx migrant narrators employ against systemic violence.
Her dissertation project looks at the experiences of transnational queer Latina migrants in the U.S. and Mexico. It highlights the voices and struggles of queer Latina migrants in exploring the concept of “home” in their lives, in the midst of experiencing constant displacement. She is working with queer Latinas in Los Angeles, California and queer Mexicanas who migrated to the United States and returned to Mexico.
Borges, Sandibel. 2015. “Not Coming Out, But Building Home: An Oral History in Re-
Conceptualizing A Queer Migrant Home,” in Diálogo: An Interdisciplinary
Journal Published by the Center of Latino Research at DePaul University.
Borges, Sandibel. 2018. “Home and Homing as Resistance: Survival of LGBTQ Latinx Migrants.” Women’s Studies Quarterly.
Borges, Sandibel. 2017. “Prayer for Healing,” in Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social.
Borges, Sandibel. 2015. “Not Coming Out, But Building Home: An Oral History in Re-Conceptualizing A Queer Migrant Home,” in Diálogo: An Interidsciplinary Journal.
Not peer-reviewed
Borges, Sandibel. 2015. “Cruzando: My Road to Healing.” In This Bridge Called Our
Health : (Re)imagining Out Minds, Bodies, and Spirits. Blog Nov. 23.
Borges, Sandibel. 2015. “¿Soy Feminista? Desafiando el feminism dominante.” In
Morelos: Tres Punto Cero. Online News Oct. 25.
Borges, Sandibel. 2015. “Reflexiones sobre ‘el closet’, perspectiva de una mujer
migrante queer.” In Morelos: Tres Punto Cero. Online News Oct. 5
Designed and taught:
Women Globalization and Resistance, Summer 2012, Summer 2013, Summer 2015
Queer of Color Critiques, Winter 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant:
Women, Globalization, and Resistance
Women, Representation and Cultural Production
Sex, Love and Romance
Global Feminism
Women of Color Feminism
Introduction to Feminist Studies